Christopher’s Golden Jubilee Secondment #1

February 14, 2018  •  Leave a Comment


There have been exciting and hectic times recently as I started on a Golden Jubilee Trust (GJT) secondment with Royal Zoological Society of Scotland based at Edinburgh zoo.  What is the GJT you might ask, well there is much more information in the link below, but in short it is a way for Partners in the John Lewis Partnership to volunteer for charities and JLP supports by letting successful applicants spend up to 6 months working with their chosen charities.

Edinburgh zoo is something that I have had a connection with since living in Edinburgh as a child, and Gillian and I have been members for several years now, so when the opportunity arose to apply it was too good to pass up on. 

My successful application is for 3 days a week for 6 months and I will be working with the team at RZSS to help review their project management processes with a view to recommending and helping set up improved processes for the future. 

It is exciting to be able to work with the team at RZSS, and to bring the benefit of me not being encumbered by a day job, to help them develop for the future. It is also very different, when the "shopfloor" is inhabited by Pandas, Tigers and thousands of other rare and endangered species.  

It won't all be plain sailing as I do still have the day job back in branch, and this is something that will be adding to the stretch to keep all those balls juggling in the air. Thankfully I have a great support in the form of my section manager team and also my steering group colleagues. Thanks guys!

My first couple of weeks here have been busy with lots of meeting the team and beginning the process of immersing myself into a different organisation. After 26 years with JL, this is very much new territory.  There are, however, similarities. Both organisations are over 100 years old, both have a strong set of values and both are looking to set themselves up for the future. The team at RZSS have been very welcoming and supportive and the next 6 months look to be busy and rewarding.

I am looking forward to keeping everyone up to date with how the secondment is developing and to be able to share the odd photo from lunchtime walks.  Here's to getting fitter by walking up the hill!



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